Monday, January 10, 2005


3:28 A.M. So why am I not in bed yet? That's a darn good question. Maybe it was the 2+ hours of DDR, followed by too much water and Pepsi. I don't really know. But I do know that I am starting to get a LITTLE tired, so maybe I'll jump on it. No more dorking around on the internet.

However, before I go I'll leave this little tidbit. While on the View Askew message boards (, I found that Kevin Smith himself had left a link for this. In the thread there are the usual comments like: "oh, it's just fan-created". But I don't think so. Except maybe the background. The actual footage looks real to me. So here it is:

Thoughts? Isn't this cool? Not to mention... will Kevin Smith REALLY be a part of the rumored Star Wars TV series? I sure hope so. Personally, I think it's a match made in heaven. In fact, he basically pleads the 5th about it himself in THIS thread about 14 posts down the page:

Well, I don't expect any answers or comments here. Basically I'm just talking to myself because no one is reading my blog anyways. I haven't told anyone about it yet. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I don't have any good reasons for having one. But then, does anyone?

Ok. Off to bed now. Probably. Bye.


At January 10, 2005 at 10:28 AM, Blogger JoshEEE said...

I can't believe you played 2 hours of DDR.
Your downstairs neighbors must love you.


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