Sunday, January 23, 2005

Wireless Woes

So yesterday we went to OfficeMax and picked up a wireless router and a wireless card for our laptop. We got a pretty sweet deal too... after the mail-in rebates, the total cost will work out to $30 for the router and $20 for the laptop card. Sounds pretty good, right? Right.

Well... last night we got them home and I start reading the quick-install information. I hooked up the router with the cable modem and the PC and everything. It worked fine up until the point where I went to configure the new router. I followed all the instructions, and put in a WEP security code and everything. Then when I'm supposedly all done, the internet doesn't work anymore for the PC. I tried to repair the network connection, but it said it was running fine. Obviously not. On top of that, I didn't want to give up. And I didn't give up until 5:30 in the morning.

So, I'll just have to call tech support or something to get them to help me. I think I've successfully installed the card for the laptop, but I can't tell yet because there isn't actually a wireless network for me to test it out with. Lame.

It's times like this that I really wish I had more networking knowledge. But there's no time like the present to learn, eh?


At January 26, 2005 at 10:00 AM, Blogger JoshEEE said...

Did you ever get this working?

At January 26, 2005 at 11:13 AM, Blogger JohnS said...

Yes... it is working now. Apparently I was supposed to configure it manually through the router UI, not through Windows. Who knew?


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